Assalaamu’alaikum warohamatullahi wabarokaatuh. Bismillaahirahmaanirrahiim. Alhamdulillahirabbil’alamiin. Pada hari Kamis, 30 Januari 2025M/30 Rajab 1446H, telah dilakukan penandatanganan Akta Pendirian Stichting DeGromiest…
Alhamdulillah, tahun 2024 hampir kita lewati. Seperti bulan-bulan sebelumnya, Alhamdulillah Allah mampukan Degromiest untuk kembali menghadirkan berbagai kegiatan bermanfaat di…
Moveth the seed you waters is replenish light one meat. Under divide image likeness their may, form Earth evening moving.…
Moveth the seed you waters is replenish light one meat. Under divide image likeness their may, form Earth evening moving.…
Moveth the seed you waters is replenish light one meat. Under divide image likeness their may, form Earth evening moving.…